New Resources to Prevent Physician Suicide from a Powerful New Coalition - Please Download and Share
Physician Suicide Awareness Day is September 17th, 2021
For a whole raft of new resources to take preventative action, talk about suicide risks in healthcare workers and promote Physician Suicide Awareness Day
In the heat of the 4th wave of COVID-19, prevention of physician suicide has never been more important. Doctors, nurses, first responders and all front-line caregivers are at increased risk of suicide, a risk that will persist long after COVID is gone
We have learned of two separate clusters of 3 physician suicides just since COVID started last spring. We are sure this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Help us raise physician suicide awareness - download and share one of these new resources.
If You Need Urgent Support
Our Physician Coaches Can Help

A New Coalition has formed between the following organizations to bring some stellar new resources into this life saving battle:
- Physicians Foundation
- #FirstRespondersFirst
- The Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes Foundation
You will find all the following downloadable and shareable resources below at this website
Action Guide for Individuals
Action Guide for Organizations
Press Release Templates
Talking Points
Shareable Social Media Posts
Sample Newsletter Copy
Even ZOOM Backgrounds
- Has your life been touched by a physician suicide - in training or out in practice?
- Which of your colleagues are you concerned about? Here is a way to reach out to them.
- Which of these resources will you download and share this week?