A FREE, Confidential Coaching Support System for all Physician Members of the Active Staff at Lexington Medical Center.
Lexington Medical Center Foundation has agreed to pay for a four-call coaching package for any physician members of the active staff, to address any work or home issue you are facing.
Follow the instructions below to get started
Coaching is Provided by the Certified Physician Coaches at TheHappyMD.com
Sharing our 12 years and 40,000 doctor experience helping physicians recognize and prevent burnout
All of our coaches are real-world physicians - we have a combined 176 years of practice experience - and International Coach Federation Certified Executive Coaches -- specifically trained to help doctors lower stress, build more life balance and a more Ideal Practice.
All information about your coaching sessions is strictly confidential and not shared with anyone in the Lexington Medical Center System.
to get you started with your preferred coach ASAP.
When you Hit SUBMIT you will be taken to our Informed Consent Agreement.
SIGN AND SUBMIT THE INFORMED CONSENT AGREEMENT ON THE NEXT PAGE and we will give you full instructions on how to schedule your first Coach Call. The Informed Consent Agreement is kept at TheHappyMD.com offices and not shared with Beacon Health System.
Pam Pappas MD, MD(H)
Pam Pappas MD is a multiply certified coach, integrative psychiatrist, author, mentor, and speaker.
She helps physicians transform their feelings of disheartened burnout into wholehearted living, working, and leading.
So many physicians describe experiences of “losing my soul” in Medicine, that Pam feels called to respond comprehensively. Grounded in a deep understanding of the universal principles behind life, she gently guides her clients towards their own well-being, clarity, and capacity for insight. Taking practical, effective action flows naturally from there.
From Pam’s clients:
“I now feel I’m better able to identify and go after what I need to feel balanced. Now I wake up not dreading the day -- and even hired a house cleaner!"
“It surprised me how utterly present, engaged, and encouraging you were.”
“I learned that I am more than just a doctor, that I am human before anything else.”
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Susan Leggett-Johnson, M.D. is a board-certified internist, speaker, leadership, and burnt-out prevention coach.
As a physician, ‘accidental leader,’ mom, and woman of color, the journey to becoming a physician executive was filled with self-doubt, gender stereotypes, and racial bias in a male-dominated environment.
Susan brings her 25+ years of clinical experience and her executive leadership experience to her coaching practice. She helps physicians take control of their lives, develop their leadership skills, and prevent burnout resulting in increased joy professionally and personally.
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Mark Jaben, MD is a physician wellness and burnout prevention coach and a board certified Emergency Medicine Physician.
Mark has practiced Emergency Medicine for over 30 years, working in a wide variety of settings in the USA and New Zealand. This has included both clinical work and a number of administrative and teaching roles. Now he is one of our certified Physician Burnout Coaches here at TheHappyMD.com.
From Dr. Jaben's clients:
I can't thank you enough for your help. That one phone call definitely changed things for the better for me.’
"I have never been happier with work or more balanced with life in general.
I really don't think I would have gotten here without the framework that your coaching provided. It has made a huge difference.
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Penelope Hsu, MD
Penelope Hsu, M.D. is a board-certified pediatrician and certified professional coach. Her current practice includes clinical pediatric care, private coaching and delivering leadership development programs for hospitals, health centers and agencies working to achieve a balanced, sustainable work culture.
As a first-generation Asian American, who experienced her own burnout during residency, Penelope is focused on helping physicians reclaim the balance, purpose and passion in their lives.
From Dr. Hsu's Clients:
When I first started coaching with Penelope I was in crisis mode, dealing with a difficult boss and my job was not meeting my expectations. Now, we have a much more peaceful practice, with a lot less frustration and I’m way better at leaving work drama at work.
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Harjot Singh, MD
From Dr. Singh's Clients:
I always come away from our time together with a greater sense of self-awareness.
He will help you get to the root causes of any challenges you face, and then help you develop effective and innovative solutions to address them.
Harjot's coaching forced me to dig deep and identify solutions I had not previously thought of.
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Jackie McParlane, DO, FACOEP, MA
Jackie McParlane, DO is an Emergency Physician and former Emergency Medicine Program Director with over 20 years of direct patient care experience.
She is also an Integrative Medicine Practitioner, certified physician burnout coach and trainer.
Jackie is a native of Michigan, training and practicing in the Metro-Detroit area. She is passionate about working with residents, helping to guide those beginning their physician career. She served as Emergency Medicine Residency Program Director for 9 years, stepping down to pursue her interest in Physician Wellness.
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