This is a poem written by a physician after reflecting on a veteran who died of gallstone pancreatitis because of the ICU bed shortage due to unvaccinated COVID-19 patients.
(image by @bozorgmehrhosseinpour)
Sometimes only poetry can express adequately.
This is from a fellow lightworker in the wake of a bizarre and tragic and needlessly fatal illness only possible in these days of coronavirus and insane vaccine conspiracy theories.
Remember, circle your wagons. Take really good care of yourself. This will eventually pass. Help is here if you need it.

“We wanted to help peopleWe were smart and drivenWe loved science and physiology, humans and diseaseSo we made a commitmentWe signed upIt was an honor
We read thousands of pagesAttended hundreds of lecturesPulled all-nightersTook more exams than we thought possibleFinals week felt insurmountableBut it didn’t break usIt made us strongerWe learned statistics and biochemistryImmunology and pathophysiologyWe mastered genetics, virology and pharmacologyWe read scientific papers and learned how to dissect themPapers, not videosIt was an honorWe came running when you needed usLiterally, running down the hallwayTo the ICU, the trauma bay, labor and deliveryI need help, you saidWe can help, we saidIt was an honorThere were moments that we thought would break usMoments that drove us to journaling, to therapy, to nightmaresBroken babies.Paralyzed children.Dead pregnant mothers with three kids at home.The wail of a mother whose son just died.We bent but we did not breakWe returned because you needed usAnd we could helpIt was an honorThen there was fearFear of walking into our place of workFear that we’d be killed by going to workFear that we’d kill a loved one because of our workThere were tears and sleepless nights and anti-anxiety medicationsBut you banged your pots and pansYou sent us pizzas and called us heroesYou needed usWe could helpSo we wore our masks, and our gowns, and our gloves, and our gogglesWe decontaminated ourselves before going home and isolated ourselves from our familiesWe almost brokeIt was an honorHow quickly the joy turned to defeatElation to rageYou’ve learned to do your own research nowYou know better than we doGaslighting is your languageYour selfishness is astoundingYou don’t want our help when we ask you to stay healthyYet you arrive at our doors begging for help at the endYou stole our resourcesYou hobbled our ability to help those who did what they were supposed to doYou killed our patients by filling our beds and using up our ventilatorsWe can’t help any moreYou broke usThere is no more honor”
~~ Anonymous
August 27, 2021
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How are you holding up in this CRAZY?