Physician Coaches here at

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Meet our new Physician Coach here at

Pam-Pappas-physician-coach-opt300W.jpgOur website is committed to being a safe haven for physicians worldwide. One visit here will show you a reference library of hyper-focused tools and support for burnout. With just a couple clicks you can book a one hour phone consult with a physician coach - at no cost.

Since 2010 our island of support on the web has been available 24/7 for anyone with internet access worldwide. As I write this blog post we have 9721 members from 63 countries around the world.

We have helped thousands of physicians so far via these Discovery Session Consults and via the book and our live training events. With 25,000 web visitors a month ... the demand for support from over stressed doctors just keeps expanding.

What started out as my one man effort to serve our people has uncovered far greater need than I can address on my own.

So earlier this year I assembled everything I have learned in over 1700 hours of one-on-one physician coaching and started to build our Coaching Team.

I will hand select coaches with the following qualifications:

  • Each is a physician with extensive practice experience
  • Each coach has a personal history of burnout and a positive/healthy/transformational recovery
  • Each one has been trained by me in the coaching techniques for burnout prevention and recovery I have developed in working with hundreds of physicians in all different specialties

Here is our numero uno ... met Dr. Pam Pappas.

Pam is an excellent human being - a good person and a good doctor 

She has a boundless desire to serve and support each of us learning to thrive in our modern healthcare environment.

And she has been around the block more than once - coaching, teaching, leading workshops, writing books, leading Finding Meaning in Medicine groups and so much more.

CLICK THIS LINK   ... to say hello and learn much more about Dr. Pam Pappas MD  

Use This Link to schedule a Discovery Session- let her build you a personal strategic plan for a way forward.

Tags: Physician Coaching