Burnout Article Library

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The Article Library

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1) Physician Burnout - why it's not a fair fight
This article has been in the #1 position on Google for the search term "physician burnout" for the last four years. It outlines all the factors that line up to ensure most physicians will burn out at least once in their career.

2) Physician Burnout presents differently in male and female doctors
Gender differences in the symptoms of burnout. 

3) The Pathophysiology of Burnout
How burnout works in the body of its victims. It is not a process of your "batteries running down."

4) The Four Horsemen of the Burnout Apocalypse
The four main components of the conditioning of our medical education.

5) Are Physicians the Canary in the Coal Mine of Medicine?
Is our burnout a sign that the conditions of the workplace are unhealthy?

6) The Disruptive Physician Toolkit
How to raise your concerns to management and not get labeled "disruptive". The key is channeling COLUMBO - yes the Peter Falk detective character. 


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Keep breathing and have a great rest of your day,

Dike Drummond MD, CEO